Loadmovie problem

ok, in my external swf i have this code in the last frame:


here is my loadmovie code:


so its looping through some animation over and over but when i load that swf into my main movie it wont loop, it plays the entire timeline over again, what am i doing wrong?

when you load a swf with loadMovie, the swf becomes part of the movie where it has been loaded (like another movie clip), so if you write in your logo.swf movie “_root” you are making reference to the root where the movie its loaded (where ‘cloudstrat’ doesnt exists)
use this code in your logo instead:

Also, ‘load’ is one of those reserved words in flash, like ‘number’ or ‘text’. You are using it like its an instance name of a movie clip which will confuse flash.


ok ill try that out, thanks;)

dulcinea, do i put that gotoandplay in the keyframe right after the loadmovie? Im not understanding where i put the this.gotoAndPlay(‘cloudstart’); on the main timeline
