Loadmovie question

Ok I have the code in my main movie in a keyframe:


to load another swf to it. My problem is that once logo.swf plays all the way through I want to only play the last couple of frames in it over and over. I cant seem to get this to work. I have tried putting this code in a keyframe right after the loadmovie code:


Ive also tried putting a gotoandplay in the actual logo.swf and that only works when i play the logo.swf by itself, not in the main movie. Anyone know whats up, any help would be greatly appreciated.


SR :tb:

Ive also tried putting a gotoandplay in the actual logo.swf and that only works when i play the logo.swf by itself, not in the main movie. Anyone know whats up, any help would be greatly appreciated.

This is the best way todo it, remember if you load a .swf into a another, _root is now the root of the clip its being loaded into.
So when you use gotoAndPlay make sure its relative to the clip you want to replay the same with most other procedures

This shouldnt be a probem here depending on the nature of the animation, simply add
gotoAndPlay(5); // 5 is the start of the bit you want to replay

If this doesnt help, please give me some more info or post the fla

I have tried putting this code in a keyframe right after the loadmovie code:


And you won’t get it to work this way.
You loaded your logo.swf into an MC named logostart, remember (_root.logostart.loadMovie(“logo.swf”);)?
So you should addres it as

Is that right ;)?

ok, ill try that thanks