LoadMovie Question

I want to load an swf in flash mx.

I have tried using mix-fx, swish and swfx. For some reason i cannot drag and drop.

I read a help faq and it said i have to use the LoadMovie action.

Please tell me how to do this, how to position the swf precisely in the file, and be able to view it on my comp as part of one big SWF.

Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

umm. i remember using the command
its easier
if you make the movie the same size i as the movie that you load it into and just position the movie where you want it in the movie itself Im pretty sure there is a better way, but what can i say im a n00b

You can also define the x and y positions of the externally loaded swf in the main swf with a script similar to this:

loadMovie("your.swf", "container");
container._x = 200;
container._y = 300;