When I load a swf into a movie the actionscript in the loaded movie seems to get lost or break. Basically what I’m doing it loading a swf based on dynamic content from an xml file, soooooo, I create a movie clip, then load that swf into the movie clip and position it, however the onMOuse over action and whatnot don’t seem to work. If I do a loadMovie num it works, but load movie doesn’t.
The code looks like this:
// Create the menu item
menu_selection = ticket_counter.createEmptyMovieClip( “menu_selection_”+j, j );
// Load the image into the selection
loadMovie( “file/” + selection_image, menu_selection);
menu_selection._x = x;
menu_selection._y = y;
As you can see the selection_image is dynamic and it loads it into the empty movie clip, however nada. I can position it, I can load text item over top, but the actionscript in that selection_image file just won’t freakin’ work. Since everything is dynamic (and since it’s bad practice) I’m not going to hardcode anything.
I’m not really a actionscript developer, more a db and php guy, so I’m really freakin’ lost right now.
I’ve added lockroot (though I’m not sure if it should be menu_selection._lockroot) and it still doesn’t work.
Sooooo, any help would be great.