
I don’t seem to get anywhere with this:
I’m trying to load inertiafade1.swf into an empty movieclip in the main movie (a). I get only one frame for some reasons. I thank you for your responds.

It didn’t let me include the second file, so here it is

:stuck_out_tongue: Okay first of all the code on the main fla (a.fla) calls for the loading of inertiafade not inertiafade1 which is the swf you provided.

That said, what do you mean by “only getting one frame”? What is it supposed to do? I see stuff happenning when I roll my mouse over it.

Also did you intend to replace your main timeline with inertiafade? By loading into level 0 you are loading into the _root level of your main movie clip so you will replace whatever is on ‘a.fla’ right now. If you want this to happen - cool. If you don’t then load into a different level. :s:

I don’t want to replace (a).
I don’t want it the way it is now. I’ve been trying to load it in the empty movieclip that is in the main file.
Sorry, don’t mind the code. Change it any way suitable.
If I don’t confuse you more my main file is here. The tip of each hour is a button and there will be different swf file appearing on the right hand side of the stage.http://members.cox.net/hamidb4/saat3.swf

Okay then. :beam:

Remove the onClipEvent(load) code you have on the clip and put the following on your main timeline:

Keep in mind though that this will load the top left corner of the external swf (inertiafade1.swf) into that blank MC named a you have on the stage. So if you want it to line up with the other thing you have there (which is very cool by the way!) then you’ll have to relocate that ‘a’ clip.

I have not been able to get it to load at a different location on the side. I edited the the previous posting and gave you a url for you to look at.

I tried what you suggested and it’s just loading in a seperate window.

Well, the 12 oclock button seems to work just fine - is that not a separate swf? :h: I tried out the fla you gave me with the code I gave you and it worked fine. I even moved the clip ‘a’ to the top of the stage and tested it again and the inertiafade1.swf loaded in perfectly in line with teh stuff on the left hand side. What problem are you still having?

12 oclock button is doing what I want. It’s a 3 minute clip that took me too long to finish. But it was a good practice.
If you post the fla with the changes you’ve made, it will be nice. Remember that inertiafade1 is suppose to load on press of the button. Aparently I didn’t follow the directions correctly. Thank you so much lunatic. That didn’t sound right. lol

Oh okay - my bad. Since you had the onClipEvent(load) on the file I thought you wanted it to load when the movie was launched. Just pull out all code I gave you and put this on your button:

I did that, Inertiafade1 loads at the right location. The only problem is that the effect is not there. Only one of the images appears.

I’m trying to download the second file you attached but its not letting me…

have you solved your problem??? if not explain…

hga77, I’m still working on it. I’m trying to load inertiafade1.swf into the empty movie clip that is in the a.fla movie on release of the button.
Here is the second file

Could be a path issue. Do you have ‘_root’ anywhere in your external swf by any chance?

here is the code on the time line of the inertiafade1.fla :

// ||== Title: Alpha Graphic Fade ==||
// ||== Author: dan4885 (Dan Alu) ==||
// ||== Site: www.macromotive.com ==||
// ||== Date: 8/12/02 ==============||
// Creates a new movie clip on the ‘_root’
// timeline which is named ‘script_clip’
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“script_clip”, 0);
script_clip.onLoad = function() {
// Makes variable to store inertia.
mosx = 0;
// Makes variable to store inertia.
mosy = 0;
// Starts a movie clip loop that executes
// the code everytime the play head enters
// a frame and this only works in Flash MX
script_clip.onEnterFrame = function() {
// Takes ‘mosx’ and subtracts by the _xmouse mouse position to yield the difference.
difx = mosx-_root._xmouse;
// Takes ‘mosy’ and subtracts by the _ymouse mouse position to yield the difference.
dify = mosy-_root._ymouse;
// Subtracts the total of the _xmouse position and ‘mosx’ and 8 determines the speed of the effect.
mosx -= difx/8;
// Subtracts the total of the _ymouse position and ‘mosy’ and 8 determines the speed of the effect.
mosy -= dify/8;
// Used to control the _alpha setting of ‘graphic1’ with dependency of the mouse position and inertia.
_root.graphic1._alpha = (mosx/4)-(mosy/4);
// Used to control the _alpha setting of ‘graphic2’ with dependency of the mouse position and inertia.
_root.graphic2._alpha = 100-(mosx/4)-(mosy/4);
// Used to control the _alpha setting of ‘graphic3’ with dependency of the mouse position and inertia.
_root.graphic3._alpha = (mosy/4)-100+(mosx/4);
// Used to control the _alpha setting of ‘graphic4’ with dependency of the mouse position and inertia.
_root.graphic4._alpha = (mosy/4)-(mosx/4);

try this!

lunatic, like you said it was a root problem. hga77 cleaned up the code and it is working. it is the 1 oclock link at
I really appreciate your help. Thank you both.[

Now I see what your trying to do!!! :slight_smile:

Nice idea…very nice…but its very cpu intensive, maybe you need the images smaller…also you most definitly need a preloader for that…

hga77, thanks for your positive thought on that thing. fla file is 136k, and swf is 106k. I thought it wasn’t too bad. Although I need to make a habit of using preloader in my files.
If I wanted to use the same function for all 12 links with instances being b1, b2, b3,…, b12, I could just copy past the code and just change the numbers? this way there won’t be any actions directly on the buttons.