Hi there,
I’m using the LoadVars object to read data from a textfile. Everything works fine when I play my movie locally or on another computer in the network, but when I play it on the server, it does not load any data at all
I've already read about this (http://www.kirupaforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8661), but still couldn't make my movie work on the server... :-\
This is the code I'm using...
// --------------------------------------------
var _lvit = new LoadVars();
_lvit.onLoad = [COLOR=blue]onDataLoaded_Language[/COLOR];
// --------------------------------------------
[COLOR=blue]function onDataLoaded_Language()[/COLOR]{
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1);
// --------------------------------------------
// Loading language text file...
load_url = "data/ladata.txt";
// --------------------------------------------
In a later frame I use the textfile's variables loaded in the _lvit object. They should be loaded cause I've used a function to check this, am I right ?
[COLOR=crimson]_root.BTN_Map.Txt_Map.text = _root._lvit.t_pmap;[/COLOR]
But no text is seen on the button unless I hardcode it... And, no trace(variable) is executed either...
Do you have any suggestions for my movie to play correctly on the server ?
Thanks in advance,
Hmm, sorry, i mean which var is being assigned to the Dynamic text field, i just want to to tell u to assign it onLoad, so it would solve the timing in yar server!!
Ok, everything is solved now, check the attached ZIP, and tell me how it goes:
1- The first problem was that u didnt define onLoad properly.
2- Don’t ever name folders like this “DATA” while on ur swf its “data”, when its offline, there is no case-sensitivity problem, but in your website, there is.