I´ve never used loadVars before, after reading the help I put togheter this piece of code, but I still do not understant it completelly
function send() {
var wordResposta:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var resp:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
email.word = strWord;
email.whichOne = id;
email.clue = dica;
email.answer = acertou;
email.sendAndLoad("/cgi-bin/site_index.pl?page=quizz_put", wordResposta, "POST");
Do I really need two LoadVars??wordResposta and resp
what is wordResposta use in the url I am using to call the script??
is it correct to put another variable(email) before the ones i am using to store the info??
the variables word, wichOne, clue and answer are equal to variables I have in flash, from what i understand these variables should store these values and send them to the script, correct??
In my script i need to have variables with the same names(word,whichOne,clue, answer) to receive the info??
I am using mx professional
I am lost if someone could help it would great