Howdy folks,
got a problem, i cant solve by meself … maybe sumone can help me out with this.
I have got 2 SWFs …
In Swf 1 i want to start a local connection to send Var1 to SWF2 … When SWF2 receives Var1 it should send Var 2 to SWF 1. When SWF 1 receives this, it should play a clip, at the end of the clip it should send var 3 to SWF2 so, that SWF 2 starts playing another Clip … This should happen a lot (maybe 10 times with different VARS … Can sumone point me into a direction how I can make this??? I am a bit lost (and a noob in Local Connections) …
I hope my text is understandable (i am not native english)… thanx in advance