localConection not sending variables?

I’ve got a bunch of movieclips which are thumbnails. When you click them, they open a popup with that picture up big and a little description of it.

I’ve got these two pieces of code:

    thisName = this._name
    thisPictureNumberArray = thisName.split("Container")
    thisPictureNumber = thisPictureNumberArray[1]
        //Popup Window Variables
        winURL  =   "popup_2.html";
        winName = "Andrew Scott Photography";
        winWidth = 830;
        winHeight = 770;
        winToolbar = 0;
        winLocation = 0;
        winDirectories = 0;
        winStatus = 0;
        winMenuBar = 0;
        winScrollbars = 1;
        winResizable = 0;
    //If clicked...
    this.onRelease = function(){
        thisPictureTitle = _parent.titlesArray[thisPictureNumber]
        thisPictureDescription = _parent.descriptionsArray[thisPictureNumber]
        thisPicturePath = _parent.pathsArray[thisPictureNumber]
        //Send the Picture Info to the Popup
        //Open Popup
        getURL  ("javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin = window.open('" + winURL + "','" + winName + "','" + "width=" + winWidth + ",height=" + winHeight + ",toolbar=" + winToolbar + ",location=" + winLocation + ",directories=" + winDirectories + ",status=" + winStatus + ",menubar=" + winMenuBar + ",scrollbars=" + winScrollbars + ",resizable=" + winResizable + ",top='+((screen.height/2)-(" + h/2 + "))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-(" + w/2 + "))+'" + "')}else{myWin.focus();};void(0);");

        //Check when the popup is opened.
        sendPicturreInfo = new LocalConnection();
        sendPicturreInfo.connectionOK = function(){
sendPicturreInfo.send("pictureInfo", "getinfo", "Picture 1", "This is the first test picture.", "pictures/tort1.jpg");


popConnector = new LocalConnection();
popConnector.getInfo = function(title,description,path){
        //Load the picture
        //Put in the Title and description
        textBox.html = true
        textBox.htmlText = ""
textBox.htmlText = "<font size='14' color='#117733'><b>"+title+"</b></font><br><font size='14' color='#000000'>"+description+"</font>"
popConnector.send("connectionTest", "connectionOK");

It’s working fine, but when I change the values in the first part ([size=1] sendPicturreInfo.send(“pictureInfo”, “getinfo”, “Picture 1”, “This is the first test picture.”, “pictures/tort1.jpg”);[/size]) to be the variables thisPictureTitle, thisPictureDescription and thisPicturePath, it just shows up blank in the popup window. When I just use text strings “Picture 1” then it works fine.

Any ideas why?

Edit: and if I trace the variables trace(thispictureTitle); it works fine too, so they’re being got fine.