This logo is for a day-care/children center. The center has been around since 1907. But they wanted to update their site/logo and stationary. Let me know what you think of this logo please. any critique is cool with me.
hey I like how it shows your image now. This is a cool mod. Thanks ya’l
Im going to be negative and say I dont like it :-\
the characters are in a very negative pose. Theres the mother trying to grab a can of campbell’s chicken noodle soup® off the top shelf and the kid is yelling and crying because hes not getting his way. At the same time, the mother in nonchalantly trying to nail the punk one in the jewels to shut him up. Not the happy, healthy family environment you want to show for your pre-kindergarten.
wasnt too sure about the page turning there. At first I thought it was a wave (or maybe some dangerous spike of some sort). It also seems a little out of place because of its color. If mom lets go, its going to stab the kid good in the gut.
Snells has just enough confusion about itself to make it unappealing or very outstanding. The fact that its outlined and shadowed brings it out from the rest but also makes it seem less consistent. And in terms of consistency, the shadow yields a rightward light source which a. is a little uncommon and b. seems to go against the lighting of the page fliper thingy. Also, with its height distortion, its given a seperate depth perception all together (separate of the shadow) which is a little, again, inconsistent.
Pre-kindergarten works ok, but the N’s might be a little too much, especially with the first digging into the I. Might need some tweaking to straighten them out a bit. You ALMOST get a W in the I-N combo which can make the word a little difficult to read… I mean not literally, but enough to go, ok I know that says kindergarten but maybe… oh… oh… ok yes it does.
Not that its all bad - definitely something to work from. I just think (IMHO) it can be improved.
to me it seems shes trying to eave the kid at kindergarten and the kid is like no not that kinda pose id say do something more in terms of toys you could use like a little pile of 3 alphabet blocks and spell the snells out of it, again can you post their current logo to see how we can give better opinions maybe their current logo just nedds a facelift and not a total makeover
kei: those are excitement marks…almost like exclamation points…at least that is what they were supposed to mean :beam:
sen: omg number one is funny. I am glad I provoked that much imaginatin. 2. is equally funny 3. changed up snells a lil bit I agree with ya there. so far they like it but they had the same concern with snells 4. dropped that font all together. good observation. that is why I dig you guys.
soulman: those are the primary colors kids learn and associate with that is why I chose them. Everything in their daycare seems to be those colors.
grim the blocks thing has been done a bunch of times. From my research of other childcare sites. Wanted to be a lil diff.
Thanks guys I appreciate the responses here is the latest one with a feature they wanted added.
i suggest you change the page to white with a blue outline and maybe the excitemente remarks to yellow after that i think it should be almost done :thumb: