okay this one is still for that daycare I posted a while back. They have been in business since 1907 and wanted a oldfashioned plus modern look. tell me whatcha think.
this is the existing logo
now that one’s really nice. I only have a few very very minor complaints.
the blue vertical beams in the foreground get cut off from the cropping and make them spikey and sharp. It adds a little bit of tension, especially on the left side where theres another vertical spike from the negative space. Offhand I cant think of a way it can be avoided
The bell looks a lot like a hat. Might be just me
And probably the biggest: I cant help but think TACO BELL!
Senocular you beat me to it I was just about to say, is that a rip of the Taco Bell logo.
Good logo DDD they will like it.
hahaha…yeah I think they are aware of the Taco bell thing. The colors are weird because I use used CYMK for print…SO you may not see some colors correctly on a screen thus the hat look. I used Illus 10 and used meshes (oh how I love Illus. now)
Thanks for the comment Sen
I have to agree with the 6 eyed freak…
I see Taco Bell bright and shiny…
maybe make the bldg red (little red school house), and mess with those spikes…
well I pitched it to them…and they loved it. Now I have to redesign their print material
good idea rev on the red school house thing. Why in the hell did I not think about it. good thing I am using spot colors. Ill post a red one in a second…
oh yeah wut spikes rev?
as Sen said, the front of the bldg after cropping looks spikey…
that is all…
here is a red one with Rev’s suggestion and a lil of sen’s if I understood him correctly
I like it a lot better, and for some reason, I don’t get the Taco Bell assoc. so much anymore.
yes I like it much better also. thanks for the suggestion rev.
That has a kinda colonial feel to it
the red makes it feel more warm and thats important. the blue was almost a bit cold. looks really good though.
*Originally posted by DDD *
**yes I like it much better also. thanks for the suggestion rev. **
no prob…
sometimes theys just comes to me…
Great work. I like the red one
definitely the red! :thumb:
what happened to the other idea, it was refused?
Did somebody say taco bell?
unflux; yeah basically…they said they were looking for something a lil less modern…I’ll find a use for it somewhere else tho.
less modern? wow ok :h:
I can imagine, “We are looking to update our logo and identity,
but we don’t want anything new or modern.” kinda scary
yes, red looks way better-
great job man!!!