OK - as some of you may know, I hang out mostly in the server-side forum. I can code, but I can’t draw worth a ****
I’m setting up a danish multisports site (duathlon, triathlon, adventure sports) and I have settled on the domain name ‘skiftezonen.dk’. Skiftezonen means ‘the transition area’ in danish and is the area where multisports athletes change from one sport to the next.
I’m planning on setting up a portal system. Either based on PHP-nuke, Xaraya or Typo 3. Don’t know which yet.
Anyway - I need to come up with some sort of logo and choose a typeface and stuff like that. If you’re bored and feel that the above inspires you in some way, I’d love to see what you can come up with.
I know if I have to do it myself, it’ll be rather simple/lame/ugly…