Logo Designs

I am working on some logos for TechOverload, a design and hosting site, I would like to know what everone thinks about these. What can i do to improve them and which 1 looks best?

I like the first one the most. Maybe try and make that arrow smaller though.

Three isnt bad either, but I don’t like the middle one at all really

The first is definately the best. That shape you used in the second really doesn’t fit and the third one doesn 't look like a logo, more like a part of an interface.

First one seems good. I would like to see a change in font and manipulation with the arrow atm.

I like the third one the best, though it doesn’t look that much like a logo. The other two don’t do much for me. I like the font you are using though.

what about the 1st one w/out the circle and boxes? Maybe make the tips to the arrow a bit smaller. I also dig the typeface a lot.

Hmmm… well I guess I’ll be the bad guy here… but what else is new? I don’t like any of them. None of them really say design, they are all simple shapes, which isn’t really very original. 3 is the only one that actually diverts from that but I think it lacks thought and concept. The type doesn’t work either. It’s way to thin IMO.

I think it’s a good start, but I don’t like the fonts, they look very “thin”.

Thanks, everyone for helping me out with the logo’s. You guys help me a lot when I am tying to make up my mind about a design.
I used some of your sugestions to change the first logo. I didnt change much but what do you guys think? (by the way I am using ‘EuropeExt’ as my font)

if you are going to narrow it down to this logo, i would def use #3 of your options above. No need for the cirlce and squares.

but…this now is a new starting point. you need to go further with this design to strengthen it. take this design to the sketch pad and see how many ways you can manupliate it. change the typeface, arrow, placement of eveything, etc…

a good start!

Ditto :tie:

modiied no1…i dont think u need to change anything anymore. if u like to change it further then my suggestion is:

  1. the color of circle (the gradient) could end at the middle of cube.
  2. u can flip the line (under text) to check how it looks.

or u can leave it just like that…its really good.

hey everyone, thanks for all the comments, for now im going to keep logo number 1 and when I have time ill play around with new ideas, thanks for the compliment gnr!

heh, IMO still really lacking, still really generic… but if you’re satisfied, go with it.

ok, the design below is crap, did it in 5 mins. But the concept of using the design to convey the words is a critical element to a long word Logo <imo>. Like those silly word games ppl used to play where you had to guess what it meant (like G.I. over C’s). The three <four letter words> are perfect for such a treatment as they all have definate meanings and can be conveyed based on font and weight. If you’re going for thorough branding think “thick and quick” eyes shouldn’t have to travel far or process to much. While the submitted headers are probably acceptable for a minimalist flash site, using word-smithing techniques and conveying the words in shapes rather than letters you will achieve a far deeper and cleaner design than simply letters and a few lines… to me TECH OVER LOAD conveys, electricity and probably smoke, but for most it could simplified to be represented by an on switch (that circle with a line through the top, and an exclamation point “!”, signifying error) as in:

hm,…i think you will have to loose the circle and the arrow or line under it comletly
make that typeface which says “Design & Hosting” the same width like the Techoverload - i can imagine you can make somthink out of it - but i agree so far with simplistik:

really lacking :frowning:

3rdeye thanks for taking the time to make that 1
Here r some more I made real quick for simplistik to make fun of :stuck_out_tongue:

ok dont comment on the first 1 i c that it sucks

I don’t make fun of designs… I critique them… making fun of them would mean I get some kind of humor out of it.

ouch, you mean you derive pain from them? :gm:

BTW I like where you’re heading with the design… a bit more reworking and you’ll have something to be happy with for… atleast a week…

design is always a process and never an end result
-some guy at the head of the class