i couldnt stop laughing when i saw this:thumb:
Click Here
I thought it was ok :-\
I’m gonna have to agree with you, though, on the red bra
pass me some more of that eggnog and i should be able to tell you what I did to her last night
I thought it was funny at the “hide it” part
That was pretty funny:) I really liked the song:)
yea it was nice
but noway near funny as “end of the world” movie.
i didnt like the song - i guess sadam cant sing
but he can rap !: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/realhussein.php
*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**i didnt like the song - i guess sadam cant sing
but he can rap !: The Real Hussein **
now that’s funny.
I didn’t find either of these that funny at all …
What I thought was really funny was the video of the US giving him that physical examination - now that was funny to me!
i find the flash animator very skilled
The first one is friggin hilarious!
man they come out with this stuff pretty quick now.
Whahaha that was funny
HILLARIOUS!!!(first 1)