Looking For Contractors For Supermodel Site

Hello Everyone,

Project: Kyliebax.com

(Kylie Bax’s personal website)

I am getting bogged down with too many projects on my plate right now, and need assistance in getting this one off the launch pad.

We may negotiate scope and payrate once I see a portfolio and resume.

What I am looking for is someone with better skills than me, so take a look at the prototype which has it’s issues: http://www.kyliebax.com/testsite .




I sent you a PM. and my e-mail is jubba@livetoskateboard.com

good point.

I have just sent you an email. Thanks for the posting! :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
Canadians are disqualiphied, didn’t you read the rules…?

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

what rules?

:x … besides, Canadians rule…

i think sureshot would do a helluva job

Thanks sheep :blush:

And Phil - Dont be surprised if some eskimos show up at your front door - ring your door bell - smack you across your face with a trout and then feed you to their Huskies.

canadians will one day rule the world dear Phil. you are wise to shut your mouth.