I’ve just started learning Flash and i’m looking for some help.
I’m trying to create a program to allow you to pick out of 3 movies, select a day and time, how many people will be watching the movie and then show all the information.
I’m looking at having around 7 frames.
My problem is that one of my buttons isn’t working, I can’t understand why as it is the same code (with the correct parts changed) as my other buttons which are working perfectly.
This is the code that isn’t working (it’s the book2Film button to be precise that isn’t working):
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][COLOR=Red]home2Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, itsComplicatedHandler);
function itsComplicatedHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
book2Film.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, itsComplicatedHandler);
function itsComplicated2Handler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
And this is the code that does work:
[COLOR=Red]home1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, dayBreakersHandler);
function dayBreakersHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
book1Film.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, dayBreakers2Handler);
function dayBreakers2Handler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
[COLOR=Black]Any help is greatly appreciated.