Looking for some ideas

Hey people. I have just begun creating an intro for a site I am working on and Need some help. I have kind of run into a mental roadblock of sorts.


that’s the link to the site, please have a look at the intro and maybe give me some ideas on what you think would look cool. I hope it’s ok posting this in this forum because site check really doesnt fit. Thanks fellow Kirupians.


how bout pics of the show?


forgot to say, i hadnt time to watch all, so i will reply better 2m, but i got an ok ammount in and that is one thing i would like to see

Thanks Mike :slight_smile: I have to work on it tonight so any more ideas would be greatley apprecaited.

Anyone else?

How about some kind of animation of him doing an illusion in the intro with the text around, below or above it.
Maybe the music could be more dramatic, and some deep hard hitting voice saying something like 'be prepared to be amazed . . . '.

You are still using a sans serif font everywhere but the main image. I would just bite the bullet and use Times Roman, or something similar. It just isn’t worth throwing off the design because you want something different…

how about :


I think you should do some “magic tricks” to the text in the info… like make spiffy ways of it dissapearing and reappearing and other cool thingies

Thanks for the ideas guys… they are all good ones for sure… and I will see what I can come up with. This is one of those projects that even though I want to do something that would look better than than what we have - the client loves what he sees and want’s it to stay. Ah well, it’s a paycheque right? right.

Rev - you think I should use a sans serif on the intro as well as the rest of the site? and I am stealing that logo from ya!

to be honest, in my opinion, it’s a bit too long. but again, my opinion. :trout:

i think it’d be cool to have a picture of him appear and then dissapear… you know? like hes doing a magic trick right on your screen?

sorry if this makes no sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sureshot… you hit on something that is near and dear my heart.

We strive to improve our skills, and sometimes these miniature works of art can take their toll on us. But when it is work for a client, you have to ask yourself two things:

“Am I proud/satisfied having my name(or company) associated with this product?”

“Is the client satisfied?”

Anyway… we can branch off into twenty different topics from here. I run into this all the time. My imagination is much more expensive than what some of my clients would like to pay. I give them what they paid for, and then a little more. But I’ve learned that the time that I use to improve on the same project, could easily be used to promote upgrades to your own design.

other comments… please dont take offense.
The A’s in your fonts dont look clean
I think I spotted a couple of typos
Nice site.

Take care.

where did you get the music?


How about using some masks to “reveal” some of the content?

thank you for your input Iammontoya - Much appreciated. I relize the A’s arent clear and for the life of me I cannot figure out why :slight_smile: I will change them though…

Typo’s you say? I will have a look through. I was given all the text from the client and told “it’s exacly how I want it” so I copied and pasted… I will have to take a closer look - again, thanks :slight_smile:

No offence taken what so ever… I need critisim… it’s the only way to get better.