Looking for someone :P

i relized one of the best way to get a girl to like ya. 1. have a web site! it dosnt matter how bad it is. it just shows yer creative and girls like creative people. also a magic trick or 2 is good:P i just recently got the brainwave deck and the 3 domino monte :stuck_out_tongue: magic well make you a :p:imp :rabbit:

you have manly guts posting something like this in here!

i respect that;)

  • no suggestions.

girls melt if they meet someone funny :wink:

Being Handsome, Charming, Intelligent, Funny, Dressing Well, Dancing Well, Being Creative, Sensitive, Rich and having a six pack helps.

oooo pick me!! :drool:

Well assuming you’re a girl, looks like He’s 18 and you’re 14. Might be legal in your country I don’t know…

yea it worked for me even when i did’nt want it to :stuck_out_tongue:
[size=1][color=silver]although i am working on my 6pack again…for no reasons apparantly…need some tips on there regarding diet, i try to lose weight before i start weight training, it helps me.I am now 75 kg’s…was 82 couple of weeks back…think i am gona start workin our from tomorrow, going to concentrate on abs this time…o well maybe i shud pm u or hope to see u on irc later tonite.[/color][/size]

now lets not get ahead of ourselves here…first thing their locations are different (i guess) and second…does age matters when ur dating?

JAS, I don’t use the IRC, you can check my profile for me AIM and MSN names though.

Age does matter when you’re talking about 14 and 18. 18+ not really. I’ve dated 10 years over my age, but at some point you reacha point where you’re just at different places in life.


And maybe your looking in the wrong place…
There are maybe 3 girls on this forum that regularly post.

You live in usa dont you scriptflipper? How hard is it to find one over there? Chicks round here are picky. Who knows, got on a dating service or something. Go clubbing if your a hardrocker. Find one at college/uni if you go there. If you into web-design than find some girl that has similar interest. It cant be that hard.

club heaven in london, if only i had enough money! :frowning: :beam:

@Ethan, kewl i will do that laterz, thanks =)

@MINIMALISTIK, "Chicks round here are picky."
around where man? uk? dont think so…try picking one from delhi :smiley:

UK? I meant here as in where I live, australia. Of course if your a guy that “cute” “good looking” tsk tsk than it wouldnt be a problem. Im sure uk chicks arent picky since a good number go clubbing. :slight_smile:

But at least you’d know they’re into computers. :beam:

Kit you shouldn’t post in here. It confuses people.

You’re like the homemade video of the Loch Ness Monster that keeps a whole’nother generation of men out there hunting for her.

Ive met three american chicks on the train 2 weeks ago, on backpacking and they were really nice. Really friendly.

@MINIMALISTIK, i was under the impression that u were from uk…ofcoz uk girls r pretty easy going, dont know about australians though.


“its called looking at the user’s location” :smiley: But I think you might have thought i was from the uk since my footer and my avatar.

hehe wow, lots of new posts. lunch time now

@mansour: thanx =) it’s nice though, I’m kinda anonymous around here, I think that’s a big reason why I write about this. then I know it might be the cheesiest topic that a kirupian could write about, but i don’t care.

@ethanm: I’ve got it all covered, apart from dancing well and having a six pack. well, I ain’t rich either, but I’m working on it. I’m richer than the average 18-year old atleast. I think.

@minimalistik: nah, i’m in Sweden, but I don’t wanna stay here. too much bad things going on around me. on the other hand, all my friends are here. and I live in a really small municipality, so girls is a problem. everone knows everone and there is no girl around here that I’m interested in. but… week end is coming, who knows, maybe I’ll go to a club and just check it out :slight_smile: