I’m looking to buy a used computer. Something old and crappy that you have laying around your house that you never use.
nothing too special as far as specs go:
Pentium 2 >300 mHz
> 2GB HD
Just the tower, nothing else needed… Willing to pay $50-75. I know how much this stuff costs and how much you would actually get for selling the parts. $50 is more than reasonable for something like that. Will pay all shipping costs as well.
The only reason I am posting here is because I hate my local computer store and I don’t need the crap they are trying to sell me and I can’t find the older parts (like Pent 2, small HD) because no one sells them anymore. The smallest harddrive I can get is 30 and I don’t need 30 GB. Get my problem? I don’t want to pay $100 for a 30GB HD when I’m only going to use about 2 GB of the space…
Let me know if anyone is interested…