Looking to buy a used computer

Hey Jubba:

Just found out the comp doesn’t have a vid card, but I have an old 8Meg card I’ll put in, if that’ll work…


thats fine, I have a vid card laying around… :slight_smile:

great, I’ll box it up this weekend for shipout, then let you know what it cost me…


Just moved it in here since its just you and I talking anyway. :slight_smile: I made $340 the last 2 days so just let me know how much and I’ll send you a check. :slight_smile:

cool, I’ll get it together in the next couple of days…


Hey Jeff:

it’s gonna cost about $12 to send via UPS…

I’ll box it up, and send it out as soon as you give me your addy…


lol sorry there’s gonna be a couple days delay in payment! I lost my checkbook! Its around here somewhere… but my apt is a mess… I’ll get to cleaning and I’ll toss it in a mail-box tomorrow :slight_smile:

I just missed the last pickup… I also underestimated the weight…

anyway, 18252067 is the shipping number, and it ended up being $18.00 …

you should have it by the end of the week…

BTW - the 2 wires in the front of the machine are the on switch… just touch them together…
