Looking to get a new MacBookPro... any links?

Hey all,

Been a while. I got a job after months of applications (even if it is as an intern, i’m just greatful). We use Macs, and while I have never been one to drink the Cool-Aid i have to admit that the workflow and convenience of the Mac has rubbed off on me.

My question to you all is:

Is there an online retailer (for a U.S. purchase) that is cheaper than the Apple store online?
Specs looking for:
-17 in MBPro (new)
-2.66ghz processor
-320 GB HD
-Antiglare Display
(under $2,901 USD)<<< this is after tax for California and with the educational discout at Apple.

[COLOR=Gray]apple price w/ student discount: [/COLOR]$2,644.00 USD + $257.79 USD tax for CA = $2,901 USD

I have been doing research for about a month and a half but not found anything really for a good price.

Even if it were full price but was out of state (not in California) so I wouldn’t have to pay for the CA sales tax which as of April 1st went up to 10% in my area.

MacMAll, MacZone, (several others i checked)

Thx for all replies.