Loop Music, "howto" in code?

Hi everybody,
I am using the “Volume Control Slider” tutorial for my flash site. http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/volume_slider.htm I’ve got everything working perfectly on my end except one problem. My mp3 does not loop to start over again after it’s played once. It just plays once then stops. I need it to play again after the song’s ended. I have a bit of customization to the code verses what the tutorial has so that my music starts on load at top volume, but how can I get it to play as a loop?
Here’s the setup I’m using thus far:

onClipEvent (load) {
 mySound = new Sound();
 mySound.loadSound("music1.mp3", true);
 speed = 5;
 volume = 0;
 _root.volume = 100;
 dragger._x = line._width*_root.volume/100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 downloaded = mySound.getBytesLoaded();
 total = mySound.getBytesTotal();
 if (downloaded != total) {
  _root.dl = "downloading music...";
 } else {
  complete = 99;
  _root.dl = "";
 d = (_root.volume>volume)-(_root.volume<volume);
 volume += d;