
<B>Entry 1:</B>
[swf=“http://www.lostinbeta.com/banner/ranQuoteFooter.swf height=60 width=300”][/swf]

“We” need to seek therapy :stuck_out_tongue:


Why is the guy on the right kinda faceless? Nice though

I’m sure there’s a deep and meaning reason behind it :wink:

Sen: Yes, I think “we” do :slight_smile:

Syko: One of the words that comes out is “faceless”, so it ties into it.

asphaltcowboy: Maybe, or maybe I am just screwed up :-\ :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**asphaltcowboy: Maybe, or maybe I am just screwed up :-\ :stuck_out_tongue: **
let’s leave that one to the public vote eh? :wink:

reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where the kid erases his sister’s face…


asphaltcowboy: or the therapist :crazy:

rev: I never saw that one, sounds like a fun thing to do :beam:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where the kid erases his sister’s face…

Rev **

I think that was in the movie. :slight_smile:
but yeah I thought the same thing

yes it was…

I was too lazy to type moooooovie…



*Originally posted by Syko *
**Why is the guy on the right kinda faceless? Nice though **

Hey man, I’m going to answer your question with another question. Why is your website/ Screen name called Syko?:hair: Looks and sounds like Sicko. I don’t think you want peopel to think of you as that. (Just something interesting I noticed. Nothing against you buddy. Just a joke) :elderly:

LOL, why does everyone think it sounds like Sicko? Syko sounds like Psycho :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah i like that! “psycho”! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

lost: 'twas the simpliest ive found yet so profound! (that was just im trying to carry out… it’s laid plain… not harse to the eye…and not “boring” though you said it is… :geek: )

pretty nice job! :thumb:

just wondering, are the 3 different words random? (although the first two would have to be tied together right?) just want to know how you did it :slight_smile:

noxious: Thanks, it is kinda boring, but simplicity is what I like, so I went for it :slight_smile:

YoSHi: The first and third word are random, and the second word is chosen according to the first word. I had to do that to prevent “I are”, “he/she are” and things like that.

hee check this thread: :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**noxious: Thanks, it is kinda boring, but simplicity is what I like, so I went for it :slight_smile:

i’ve never said it was boring lost, i said “…and not boring…” …one that is hard to achive is the fusion of elements…simplicity but samkinda that rock! …and that’s what i really like… simple yet profound! …and you got it!!! :thumb::thumb::thumb:

…sorry i can only give you a “two thumbs up” for that’s all i have (never had third thumb yet… lol :P)

For the record… that twilight zone plot was in both the Movie “The Twilight Zone”, AND the origional series in black and white. (old enough to remember… :slight_smile: )

noxious: I know you said it wasn’t boring, but I was saying it was :wink: And I am glad that you don’t have 3 thumbs because that would be really freaky.

heheee what if i have now!? :stuck_out_tongue:
