Hey guys! Okay, I’m getting really pissed! I have my Flash file that I created and saved and everything was fine. Now when I go to try to open up my Flash file, I get an error that says “Could not open one or more scenes probably because of low memory. To increase available memory, close open documents.”
Well, Flash is the only application that I have open and it’s giving me that errors! How do I allocate more memory to Flash? Or can I do that? Or does someone have a fix for this error because I really need to get this project finished!!
How much do you have? IIRC, an open document/file/movie/whatever usually occupies three-times its uncompressed size in RAM. That is, a 10mb uncompressed BMP would occupy 30mb of RAM when opened in Photoshop… I think.
So yeah… is your FLA file more than 100mb? Even if you run out of RAM, it should overflow into your hard-disk’s swap memory.
Nonetheless, OS X is supposed to have superb memory-management…
Moral of the story: I have no idea.
Got the latest patches from Macromedia?