LV RPG demo v0.2

Well, here we go! the LV RPG demo v0.2

what im gonna put here are some questions and the link.
Please do not skip right to the link as we are in need of help too.
The members of this projects are fairly known to any active Xgen member out there,please give it out for…Insane Knux! the main actionscripter(i guess during the demo I’ve done most of the action scripts but his job will be better than mine)Now please give it out for…Geowge17! he hasnt done anything yet, but he’s the sound guru, he will be told of his assignments after the game is finished.Now clap it for me lol, the leader and animation of the game.

well first of all the game is a scratch, not a real demo demo but its a scratch, animations will be better in the proper version. the link will be updated when the team has agreed on it, so that we can keep it as a surprise! smiles lol.

Ok! now time to the questions:
[]first of all im trying to add the walking animation provided happily by ummmm…that GTA game leader i think, so that should be a bit of a no of a problem but still you can still provide as that will be good.
]next, is a enemy death code, we currently have a death code but it produces a bug where you can shoot it again, so that would be really bad, so can someone hand us a code for that?
[]second last is, we currently are accepting an LV production intro! so you can happily send your entries, there are limits…it has to have LV productions in it, your NAME cannot be in it however it will be added into the credits page,it must be animated.
]last is that we are also accepting overhead drawings of guns, pistols,shotguns and more…once again…your name will be added into the credits again.
[/list]now, lets stop with the blabbering and get on the with the game eh?
once again IT IS JUST A SCRATCH.

Mouse to look
Mouse to shoot
Q to change weapons

thats it for now, no spawning has been added yet, but we will add more soon and stuff.

Enjoy,(lol that was the longest thread ive made.)
comments accepted

major questions please answer:
-Is there a code where when the bullet hits the enemy it deletes the MC then duplicates a death MC of the enemy? if there is can someone give it to me please??
-is there a code where when you get to this frame, it randomly chooses the frames specified?can someone give it to me if possible?

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