M. Night Shyamalan

I kind of understand your disappointment, but you gotta realize: It’s a movie!

I don’t know, it’s just I don’t think too deep into these things… if I try to, then I get too picky about the movies I watch.

I know what you mean about being too picky, because I am. After I watched Sixth Sense, I was like, “Oh, that was really cool, never would’ve thought that…”. Then I temporarily became a fan. And then I saw Unbreakable, and at the end of that little “movie” I was like “Oh, that was really cool, never would’ve thought…wait a minute…didn’t he use the same storytelling elements from Sixth Sense in this sub-par comic drama?”

Then I watch Signs…only prepared: “Ok, there aren’t any aliens, just some hooligans from cross town going around causin’ them Gibson (forget the family name in the movie) boys some trouble. His wife isn’t really dead, but is a spirit anyway roaming around who comes to Mel at the end of the movie and tells him about life and death and how he shouldn’t mourn and how he should look after his kids and look towards the brighter side of things and how he should take the shotgun out of the kid who screwed up his fields’ mouth. yada yada yada, another supposedly meaningful movie, where’s my $7.50”.

Boy was I wrong, though not upset. I felt that Night was a little low on budget making the film which is why there was very little showing of aliens.

I dunno, I don’t have Night, it’s just that I feel he tries too hard sometimes.

I’ll watch the Village then make my decision.

I didn’t think it was because of budget you didn’t see the aliens a lot thor, I thought it was because a high percentage of people are afraid of the dark and the unknown, I thought combining the two had more effect that if the aliens just jumped out.

Like when Mel’s using the knive to see under the door, how tense would that scene have been if we’d already seen the aliens…or how about when Jacquin (sp?) see’s the alien on tv, I jumped about 10 feet in the air at that bit. I think seeing them in bits & pieces had more effect than just showing them.

I think your right about the twist thing though, unfortunately I guessed the end of the Sixth Sense because people were telling me “You’ll never guess the end” so I did and I was right…d**n. I did the same with Unbreakable though didn’t guess right but Signs I never saw coming at all, don’t know why but I was just expecting a normal ending with that one.

Anyway I’m not looking forward to his next film…dunno why it just doesn’t appeal to me :frowning:

Kinda reminds me of the premise for Brotherhood of the Wolf.

on the imdb site they have a review from someone who saw a private screening, this puts me off even more. I’ll probably just wait for the DVD.


I missed the Sci-Fi show but this seems to sum it all up.

Nice find there Ethan. It does pretty much sum it up.

oooohhhh freaky, you guys posted messages almost 12 hours apart :wink: