Mac-trouble: standard site w/SWF's won't load on Mac. Anyone please?

Hello all. I’ve followed this forum for quite a while now, and I’ve found answers to most of my design-questions over here. But now I have a problem which puzzles me. I’m a complete Flash-newbie, so please bear with me :wink:

Ok, so I’ve made this pretty standard HTML/CSS based site, which uses 2 Flash movies: 1 for logo animation, and 1 for menu/nav. I’ve made the site with Dreamweaver MX, and I inserted the movies in table cells for layout/positioning (with the standard ‘insert>media>flash’ option in DW MX).

The problem: the site works perfectly in IE 6 and Firefox for Windows (XP) on my PC. But this afternoon someone emailed me that they can’t view/load the site on a Mac. I’ve asked a friend with a Mac to check out the site, and he also couldn’t access the site; they got a blue screen (with the title (from the TITLE tag) at the top). My friend uses IE5 on his Mac, the other person’s browser is unknown. My friend can however access all kinds of Flash-sites, like and I asked him to try those and there was no problem there.

So what have I done wrong? Do I need some special tags for my pages to load on a Mac? Or have I done something wrong in exporting my movies?
I really don’t have a clue and as the rest of the site is pretty standard (no complicated CSS, no CSS positioning, no scripts, layout done oldfashioned way with tables), I think the problem must lie in the Flash movies. I just don’t understand why the whole page won’t load, instead of just not loading/showing the Flash movies? Movies are pretty standard too, my first Flash ever, so no actionscript (except for GetURL and STOP functions :))

If someone could help me out, I will be eternally thankful!!!

Here’s the site:

If anyone needs my .fla’s or anything, just let me know.

Thanx in advance!!


It’s working here on Safari and Mozilla, though not on IE…


Hmm, thanx Scotty. So it’s just IE5.? for Mac that’s causing trouble (well, actually I am of course :)).

At least I narrowed it down a bit…

But that it shouldn’t, can you post your fla’s?
