Madden or ESPN

Aight people there has been alot of people fighting over wich is better the legendary MADDEN or the not so famous ESPN. I have tried both of the games and dont get me wrong ESPN has some good things going for it like the price. BUT i still think madden is the better game ! But all the magizines i read say diff. So maybe you guys can help me. Plz post and tell me which one you think is better. :beer:

ESPN… Sega beats EA on every sports game. Ever since I played NBA2K on DreamCast I’ve preferred the Sega series over EA.

ESPN :thumb:
EA :td:


lol maybe is i started out playing ESPN games i would like it better but i still think madden is the ****

Oh, trust me, five years ago I would’ve said EA was the best!

But I gotta admit Sega has them beat on Sports IMO.

I got ya i will admit the new ESPN game had some ggos things going for it but like i said MADDEN MADDEN MADDEN

I think people say Madden Madden Madden like you just did, because they are so loyal to it. They’re no longer buying a football game, they’re buying the name.

Which, if that’s what you want, is perfectly fine…

i tryed them both out cuz i was wanting to see if i liked it better but i really didn’t i was in it for the best game and i really thought it was madden

I have Madden and ESPN. They are both very good, but I personally like Madden more. It’s funner to me. But it is a close call…

i like all the espn games. i love espn nba series and then i got the nfl and i love it i did have madden but it just wasnt there for me idk. i pick espn