Made Me Laugh

As you can see here, the solider is clearly blocking himself from fear of the US’s exploding Capital building.

lol Daily show…so phunny


godzilla is attacking the city
mouth still moving after talking.

** Dear Diary,
Today i thought i was a gonner. As i grabbed my helmet and made a run for it, i realized i forgot the missiles. When i got back strange men were shooting at me and i thought to myself, thats cool! Then i woke up…**

Ouch! I dropped another missile on my foot!


Dear Diary,
note to self, buy new pair of underwareb [/B<:}

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New lyrics to the kiddie favorie

If your North Korean and you know it blow up the capital clap clap


not a caption, but how is he possibly holding three missiles like that?


And if you think that’s amazing folks… Just wait til you see me juggle these bad boys :wink:

“Poor economics lead to desparation as the Koreans are forced to hand carry their shells to the target.”

“We carry missiles and trow dem at floating crosshair”

I always liked the look of war posters. Plus that is funny stuff

It gets in your head doesn;t it. It doesn’t slow down you macnine at all does it? I found the smallest 1 sec loop i could find.

ya i have to move the location of my stop sound then it won’t loop over it self. Hey and if you are scrollign quick and hear it at least you will know i was there :stuck_out_tongue:

This will teach the circus to turn me down!