The story line is absoltle amazing, a simple way to picture this game… Its like GTA3 but less freedom (more mission based) More realistic, and set in the 1930’s.
You play the life of a mafia henchment, the style of this game amazes me… its just so captivating…
Its realistic, not 100%, you wont die from one shot, but you’ll be close
While the start is a bit slow, it soon comes out with so many features… oh man I love it… Its just makes you feel so mafioso…
I played Mafia for a little while and didn’t really like it that much. Driving just wasn’t fun; all the road rules applied, so you’d get pulled over for driving above the speed limit and you’d lose some money. Plus you flip over easily too.
Yeah, its pretty tough, I didn’t like it at first… when you start the game you drive old Ford Bolters that barely can climb a hill! But when you get use to it its pretty cool, even though all the rules apply you can still dodge cops real easy, and lose em realisticaly too, quickly move down an alley, and wait for him to pass, or change cars… its cool, and later in the game you get to drive 16 cylinder monsters…
You can almost experience how cars got better over a couple of years… from slow crap boxes too armored 13 cylinder chase-down-anything machines…
fun on a bun…