Mail form ( I know, but this one's different )

2137 (2138 now) posts, in 90% of those posts i’ve been helping out people… and still, i can’t explain why/how. :-\

maybe it’s because of my lack of english terms… ?

All three of those terms are in Moock’s ASDG:

capabilities.serverString, Property

URL encodes the values of the capabilies object. For example, the screenResolution properties are formatted as R=1600x1200.

capabilities.isDebugger, Property

Indicates whether the Player is a debugging version. This is only true with the Player provided with the authoring tool.

capabilities.input, Property

Indicates the type of input device provided by the system hardware. Currently the only property for this is “point”, meaning a mouse-style device.

hmmm… sometimes i really think i should buy some books. :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks, njs. =)

You’re welcome kax.:slight_smile:

*Originally posted by kax *
**hmmm… sometimes i really think i should buy some books. :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks, njs. =) **

Same, if only those books weren’t like 50$US grrr :angry: :frowning: