Mailing problems with php! PLZ HELP!

Hi folks!
I try to send an email from flash wit php. The problem is that I have a main movie which loads external swf files. One of them is my contact swf too. And when this is loaded and I fill the contact sheet doesn´t wants to send the email. If I upload only the contact file with published in flash works fine. So finaly I think that what is wrong is that the external contact swf is loaded isn´t on the root. I must change some scripts but I dunno yet what becuse I tried a lot os change but becuse I´m a very newby dont works.
I write the scipt from the fla. and the php file .
If someone can help me I´ll be should be very lucky

so the php file is the following:

** PHP Mailer 2.0
** This script is easy to configure. Just change the variables below to
** suit your environment and PHP does the rest!
** [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR]


Enter your site details below!


// Enter your contact email address here
$adminaddress = "";

// Enter the address of your website here include [COLOR=#0000ff]http://www.[/COLOR]
$siteaddress =“”;

// Enter your company name or site name here
$sitename = “Your Site Name”;


No need to change anything below …


// Gets the date and time from your server
$date = date(“m/d/Y H:i:s” ;

// Gets the IP Address
if ($REMOTE_ADDR == “” $ip = “no ip”;
else $ip = getHostByAddr($REMOTE_ADDR);

//Process the form data!
// and send the information collected in the Flash form to Your nominated email address
if ($action != “” :
mail("$adminaddress",“Info Request”,
"A visitor at $sitename has left the following information

First Name: $fname
Last Name: $lname
Email: $email
Company: $cname
Telephone: $telno

The visitor commented:


Logged Info :

Hostname: $ip
IP address: $REMOTE_ADDR
Date/Time: $date",“FROM:$adminaddress” ;

//This sends a confirmation to your visitor
mail("$email",“Thank You for visiting $sitename”,
"Hi $fname,

Thank you for your interest in $sitename!

$siteaddress",“FROM:$adminaddress” ;

//Confirmation is sent back to the Flash form that the process is complete
$sendresult = "Thank you for visiting <a href = “$siteaddress” target = “_blank”><u>$sitename</u></a>. You will receive a confirmation email shortly. ";
$send_answer = “answer=”;
$send_answer .= rawurlencode($sendresult);
echo “$send_answer”;



The Action Script is the following from frame 1;
scommand (“allowscale”, “false” ;
// set some variables
mailform = “mailform.php”;
confirm = “please wait for confirmation …”
action = “send”;
// and focus on variable fname
Selection.setFocus(“fname” ;
// validate email function
function validate (address) {
if (address.length>=7) {
if (address.indexOf("@" >0) {
if ((address.indexOf("@" +2)<address.lastIndexOf("." ) {
if (address.lastIndexOf("." <(address.length-2)) {
return (true);
return (false);
//form check
function formcheck () {
if ((((email == null)) || (email.length<1)) || (email == “ERROR! Address not valid” ) {
email = “ERROR! Address not valid”;
action = “”;
if (!validate(email)) {
email = “ERROR! Address not valid”;
action = “”;
if (fname == null) {
fname = “ERROR! Name required”;
action = “”;
if (lname == null) {
lname = “ERROR! Name required”;
action = “”;
if ((validate(email)) && (email != “ERROR!” && (fname != “” && (lname != “” ) {
action = “send”;
loadVariablesNum (mailform, 0, “POST” ;
gotoAndPlay (“wait” ;
stop ();

and from frame 5:
loadVariablesNum(mailform, 0);
answer = confirm;

or You can find it here too
Thx for reading
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