Major problems loading external swfs, please help

I am new to action scripting and loading external swfs. I’m trying to create a website in flash useing this technique but I’ve ran into some problems. Using the [COLOR=Black][U][SIZE=2]Preloader & Transitions for Dynamic Files[/SIZE][/U] and [/COLOR][SIZE=2][COLOR=#006699][COLOR=Black][URL=“…/developer/mx/full_site.htm”] Creating a Full Flash Site
tutorials I am trying to make a flash site. So far it’s worked great until I tried to create a part of the site that needs to open up another external swf that also loads external swfs since not everyone might want to see everything in that section. I’ve been working all week trying to figure this out and I thought the easiest way to try this would be to use the direct file from Creating a Full Flash Site modified for my domain of course and try that but it still wont work. The file will load but you cant activate the links to laod the swfs. The file works fine by it’s self but if you put it in the main file it won’t work. Here’s an example.

The tutorial file from Creating a Full Flash Site…

The main file I’m working with, it’s in “Careers”

What am I doing wrong, or is there any other ways to try this. If you want the full fla just contact me and I’ll be happy to send it if you can help. Any help on this is greatly appreciated, thank you!

  • Lucky[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]

Thanks to all those interested in helping me. Basically I am trying to create a flash website which loads each section as you click on it, like most sites out there. The problem I’m having is the career section. That is supposed to load a external swf that also like the main swf loads external swf’s in it’s self. The actual career page has different years in the drivers career and when you click on each year it’s supposed to load that year which is its own swf. The file I showed on the forum has a sample from a tutorial of such a flash that loads external swf’s that works perfectly by it’s self. But when I load it in the main movie and go to click on the links that load the swf’s it does nothing as you can see. So any help on this is appreciated, so I can go ahead and send you the files themselves.

Here are the files…
are the main movie files
are the external swf’s the works making up the home page and about page if you need fla I can send that if you need.

Now here’s the fun part
are the files used for the movie that is supposed to load those external swf’s
is the what that section will actually look like. You’ll click on the years you want to view and those will load separately.

Thanks again, I really appreciate any help you can give.

  • Lucky

It’s a path issue, _root refers to main timeline.
Skip all ‘_root’ in the button action and inside the transition mc replace ‘_root’ with ‘this._parent’


*edit don’t crosspost :cool:

Thanks for the suggestion but that didn’t seem to work at all. Infact it wouldn’t even load after that. Maybe I did it wrong but I replaced everything that said _root with _parent But thanks again.

  • Lucky

Did you make the changes in the career.fla?


Wow, thank you so much!!! You are so awesome! Thanks again :slight_smile:

no problem=)