Making a full flash site ! need opinion

hello. i m making a full flash site. my friend gave me an idea to make different scenes for different pages and i did so make it really advanced and cool. but now he reckons that it will load slowly. thats because it occupies the space of 1.5 mb but i have put a stop action of each of the scenes. Will it really load slowly and can anyone give me any comments or to improve it !

I think its a bad idea. Keep each “page” in a separated swf and load them as u need.
Check this tutorial:

I agree too. One of my sites is like that (the first one I made) before I knew about loadMovie. I would definately do it differently. Now I have to redo that whole site when I don’t feel too lazy (when’s that??!!). On high-speed it’s not that bad, but on dial-up, it takes like two minutes to load. I’m sure I’ve lost people that way.

great topic nasir! hey last time i also wanna do like that but i found that way is really bad…

Yes, like lostinbeta said “scenes are evil” :beam:


They’re frowned upon here :P:P:P:P:P Please don’t ban me lost :P:P:P:P:P