Making line draw itself

I’ve hit a wall. I need to make a line look like it’s drawing itself, as if an invisible hand is drawing on the screen. For some reason, though, I can’t figure out or find how to do this.

Could anybody link me to a tutorial or tell me how I might do this? I really appreciate any input in advance. :smirk:


Take a look at the drawing board tutorial on this site, and maybe also the thinggy in the AS tricks section about the drawing API.

pom :hangover:

Thanks, but the drawing API tutorial doesn’t show me how to make it look like the drawing is being done as you watch it…it just makes the shapes/lines.

The drawing forum covers artwork mostly too, which is off-topic. :-\

Thanks, though, for the reply! I learned some new stuff from the API tut.


Put your points in a array and then draw onEnterFrame. Something like this:

// Array of points
// Fill the array with random points
for (var i=0;i < 50;i++){
// handler that draws
	if (j < myPoints.length){
	else delete this.onEnterFrame

pom :hangover:

check this out and let me know if this is what you want to do
if so you just make shape tweens and put a alpha on the first frame of each shape tween


*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**check this out and let me know if this is what you want to do
if so you just make shape tweens and put a alpha on the first frame of each shape tween

Yeah, that’s what I had in mind. The shape tweens work like I need them too. Thanks grimdeath and ilyaslamasse for your help.


np glad i could help :smiley:
