Trouble with Drawing API


Made this code in Mx, attached the file, can anyone please tell me how the hell i make it draw the lines dynamically?

I mean, i know about the API, but this is ticking me off! :-\


(attachment removed, look at posts below)

Well, first of all, write an enterFrame. gotoAndPlay loops were used at the time of Flash 4…

pom :+)

Done :slight_smile: now what?

You set up a lineStyle, and you draw the lines onEnterFrame.


I KNOW how the drawing API works, the problem is that whenever the last line drawn, from point “last” to point “first” is made, it runs a straight line from end to beginning…

Am I even making any sense…?

You make no sense at all maybe try you best then maybe ill understand.
Im good with Drawingg API

I understand what you mean Eilsoe.

You want it to draw from point to point, but what you are getting it from point 1 to new point over and over.

yes, I draw from point 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 in a row, that’s easy enough…

but next frame it’ll be 10-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

see? It’ll draw a line from point 9 to 10 across the whole thing!!

And it’ll keep doing it every frame!! with the other numbers, as soon as they move in the front of the row again…

I need to make it understand to NOt do it…

What code are you using so far?

Shane waldeck, learn to read the entire thread…

there’s an attachment further up…

Christian Eilsoe… I have the attachment, but it doesn’t contain the code that you are using to draw your lines :stuck_out_tongue:

Shane Waldeck, I removed the line code, because it ticked me off…

I want to start from scratch with it…

Christian Eilsoe, Oh Ok Then :stuck_out_tongue:

Eilsoe smacks LostinBeta with a rotten mushy cheesy trout

[size=1]::dan4885 sends eilsoe into eternity of damnation for messing with lostinbeta::[/size] :evil:

**[SIZE=1]Eilsoe falls asleep becuase he just finished a 12 hour school day, but yet he finds the strength to whach Dan4885 with a trout the size of texas[/SIZE] **

[size=1]::dan4885 hires the New York Giants to take out the Texans, they have done it before::[/size]

[size=1]::dan4885 sets out a trick apple to trap eilsoe and use for fishing bait::[/size]

*[SIZE=1]Eilsoe uses his bait skills to lure in a huge salmon and smacks Dan with it for spamming this thread up[/SIZE] *

[size=1]::dan4885 retaliates and catches the salmon with a fish net and eats the fish and eilsoe inside as a whole::[/size]

By the way, you started the spam! :o

You continued it :o