Man everybody wants to know about these

Including himslef here.

Check out

-Ok, now the three roll over buttons down there… It’s the simplest AS ever, but if you roll over the buttons really fast one after another, they stick.

//AS on the left most button
on (rollOver) {; //the middle button; //the right button
on (rollOut) {;;

So, uh, how can i fix?

I experienced no sticking.

But you also might want to try using hitTest for a more accurate rollOver.

Thanks Lost. Heard of hitTest, but don’t have any experience… I’ll look into it.

Strange you dont have any sticking…

i played with the thing for like 5 min and I iddn thave one stick issue. Worked find :slight_smile:

The one thing I did notice is your grid in the background shifts down a very small bit when the movie is done loading…

NIce look though :slight_smile:

Yeah I played with it for like 5 minutes too, but also kept going back to it to see if anything different would happen. Nothing either time.

I noticed it acting weird…

Moused over Portfolio… other 2 fade
slide over to projects and both projects, information come up while portfolio fades

Then slide over to information… project fades but portfolio and information lightup

also if you mouse over portfolio and “quickly” on off (somewhere besides a button beside it) all 3 light up

As far as I can tell, he wants only 1 button to highlight when the mosue is over any of the buttons, not 2… or all 3 when a mosue is over 1 the buttons (unless mosue is off all 3 buttons)

My uhh… “knowledge” on flash is kinda ehh… bad :*( heh so someone else have to explain how to fix that :stuck_out_tongue:

I played with it for awhile too and noticed that if you rolled over it fast horizontally then it would stick, but vertically, I didn’t have a problem at all.

And Morse, Lost is right, using hittest would make the rollovers more sensitive thus solving the “sticking problem”

Here is a thread I posted awhile back about using hittest for rollovers, hope it helps. =)

umm… no sticking but:
I rollover porfolio then without rollouting portfolio I rollover prjects then both, projects and information light up and if I do the same with first rolling over info then it’s the same but portfolio and projects light up!.. strange:-\

hahah that’s what he meant by sticking Syko, sometimes it would light up all of them. =)

OH!.. =) lol