Man I Hate My Site

Well i have been working on for a very long time, but I have not worked on it for about 1.5 months. Now i hate it. I really hated it after seeing What a sweet site! I wanted my site to look like this. Can I steal some ideas from this site? I know someone is gunna say i need to be more original but w/e. Any ideas for a entire new site because i am gunna start over soon.

That made no sense lol


Your site is cool effects wise, but i am not a huge fan of the colors. Try recoloring it and ad some more monkeys/chimps. That would give it a huge boost. :thumb:

im sure you could do the moving effect like that, although i would not copy it exactly. I really like the moving effect on that too, the transitions are awsome. good luck.

well i am thinking about re-doing the site entirely with PHP and Mysql and all that jazz. I do need a good chimp logo though lol Maybe Paul Frank esque?