Man i'm dumb 2day

Hi actionscripters, i got a little problem , and i know it’s easy.
It has got to do with the counter that counts how many times i pressed a button.

I don’t know how 2 explain it to u clearly, but let me try:
I attached my fla so ya can see my problem in action.
Just clik circle 1 2 times, then circle 2 two times and then see what happens when u click first circle one then circle 2.

When i press circle 1, a menu shows, when i press circle 1 again this menu closes.
When i press circle 2, a menu shows, when i press circle 2 again this menu closes.

Now what is the best way 2 clear the menu of circle 1, when i press circle 2!–> i almost got it, but as ya can see in the fla, there is a delay and i can’t get it to go away

I want to clear the Bigger menu circles


Well when you click the other button you need to do 2 things…

  1. remove the opposite buttons clip
  2. reset the other buttons variable back to 0

I hope that helps :wink:

Hi, thanx 4 u’re reply Lost.

I already did what u said, but i seem to be getting a sorta delay when i click.
But i did a rewrite of the code and now i put it all into prototypes and encapsulated the whole.

Still need to figure it out, but thats why we love actionscript.

Peace, :cool:

I don’t get a delay… check my modified file.

Thanxxxxxxxzzzzzzzz lostInBeta, u r the man
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Many thanx 4 helping, peace.