
empty your pms

err here i will jsut put hte pic here:

[edit] if you just change your title to that i will take a pic and leave it as a pdf

What you talking about crazy boi? :crazy:

  • Soul :s:

it was a PM we had. his title skrewed up my browser so i tryed giving him the screen cap in a .jpg but it was orriganly a .pdf so it skrewed it up

it’s quite alright. i’ll stop using some html tags for now. next time i use the < sup >'s and < sub >'s i’ll let you know. what browser are you using? if you are using Netscape, then i have no sympathy for you.

:stuck_out_tongue: i hate netscape with all my heart.


edit: yours was on one line like losts, but yours went almost to the end line :frowning:


that was losts


he is on a Mac with a weird browser…

no wonder he is having probs…



pfst! snaps fingers boys!

hehe safari is buggy but its the fastest for the mac now that IE is gone :frowning:


my bro is on it

where did IE go ???

I’m on it (5.2.2) and most all is well

Safari has to grow up =)

MS said no more :frowning: so they stoped developing it for Mac and maybe only pakaging it in new winOs’s. and i think it was all fumed cause Mac said taht they wouldnt package ie 5.2.2 in 10.3, only the final Safari. Reland, safari is so fast, you wont belive it…

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**MS said no more :frowning: so they stoped developing it for Mac and maybe only pakaging it in new winOs’s. and i think it was all fumed cause Mac said taht they wouldnt package ie 5.2.2 in 10.3, only the final Safari. Reland, safari is so fast, you wont belive it… **

fast is cool, but if it doesn’t translate web pages like the others, then it is crap!


that doesn’t mean you can’t install it if you can find an installer …No?

I’ve got one (7.1 mb zipped) if you want it

inedit:: attatch failed,esc.

that doesn’t mean you can’t install it if you can find an installer …No?

I’ve got a copy (7.1 mb zipped) if you want it … too fat for here so if you like I’ll post it to my space and give you an email link

Lemme know…

edit for P.S.:: I’ll give it a go when I upG from 10.1.5 … maybe it’ll be less buggie then ???

you have an installer for waht? i got ie 5.2 but i prefer safari cause its well…zooooooom! and they are constantly updating so yes it should be less buggy.

ok, it sounded like you didn’t have IE as you said that it “wasn’t there” (???)

note: some css’s don’t work well for mac browsers … shifting layouts and the like

… oh the pain of being a Rolls in a chevy world … :sure:


hehe. oh well. pats PC. thats why i got this guy around

yeah I got one 0 those next to Precious too … gets turned on a couple times a month just to burn off the dust :bigGrin:

hehe. this is my gaming and work machine cause i dont have copies of MMSMX and PS7 for mac. donno if i will untill i buy the G5 either (like next summer…or sooner)