I'm liking this browser

I had been using NS7 for a while, but still ended up using IE6 for a lot of sites (NS would lock up quite often).

Then, after an HD crash, and upon rec from Rengirl, I d/l Mozilla…

After I uninstalled NS7, it has been a wonderful experience.

Have you used it? Do you like it?

I just gotta say… Tabbed browsing is way cool. You can bookmark a group of tabs, plus a bunch of other things…

just curious on a Friday evening…


I’ve heard some great stuff about it through Lost, he uses it and likes it too so I should give it a shot one of these days. =)

yeah, abzoid (my brother) just d/l moz…

the new skins…

much, much better than IE…

I think it is actually quicker…

maybe I’m biased…

maybe I’m drunk…

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:


Mozilla is really one of the best browsers. It’s always a part before NS… I like it

I might get it. Simply for the popup killer. I hate taht more than anything. I don’t want windows to popup unless I want them to.

Also there a new release, which fixes the DHTML bug (whichever that was).

I did here people have probs with some DHTML and CSS.

But hey I might just have to get it simply to beta test my sites.

Have to add something. Mozilla is precaching …
I don’t really know a lot about it. But it is preloading the links on a page and it roxx ;p

It is essentially NS7 without all the AOL Bull****…

anything other than MS :pope: …


Mozilla is faster than IE. And Yes… as with NS or Mozilla there are ALWAYS some CSS and DHTML Bugs :frowning: It is hard to code for them equally sometimes.

I like the fact that there is a lot of settings on the preferences menu…

very personable…

:love: :love: :love:

:blush: :blush:



but… of course…


so you don’t want the 10 million viewers phrum AOL to view your site?

it isn’t only NS anymore…

plus, just because you can’t code correctly doesn’t mean it’s Mozilla’s fault… IE came up with a diff standard, and then gave away it’s browser…

go with the flow… you prob use Outlook as well…



I’m sorry but… IE is supported by the leading software distribution company in the entire world… And Mozilla and Netscape?

I’m going to have to agree with Phil… It’s become a standard that all BROWSERS conform under the WC3 standards of all webpaging programming schemes and set-ups. It’s not IE’s fault that it is actually conforming to all of these standards…

I’m sorry… I don’t spend enough time looking at my browser’s preferences or group settings or color schemes or skins to actually want to try something like that… I enjoy the fact that everytime I open up a website with IE… It opens…

Code correctly?! Do you know how much of a pain in the arse it is to make your code readable not only once… not twice… but 3 times! That makes file sizes larger and re-routing and everything more diffucult to manage… Of course this hasn’t been a “total problem” as of recently but still… Ugh… It’s just a pain…

I use to always open up Netscape just to test out my websiting scripts… Cause 9 times out of 10… it wouldn’t display everything correctly… And that kind-a sucked trying to figure out (in my early years) how to make it work for that…

Maybe I’m just “going with the supposed trend” but if having a browser that’s reliable about 99.9% of the time is a trend… Then hell… Count me in.

Not saying anything to “DIE MOZILLA AND NETSCAPE” or anything like that… Just trying to defend my IE.


sorry Phil…

just viewed your site, saw no big diff between moz an ie…

what is the prob?


*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Code correctly?! Do you know how much of a pain in the arse it is to make your code readable not only once… not twice… but 3 times! That makes file sizes larger and re-routing and everything more diffucult to manage… Of course this hasn’t been a “total problem” as of recently but still… Ugh… It’s just a pain… **

I understand Marz…

but… NS and Moz are the same engine, so you only have to code for 2… there would only be one, if IE hadn’t mutilated the code to begin with. The biggest prob is that IE invented “new JavaScript and DHTML behaviors” that only work on IE…

IE only became popular because it was given away. When it was the same price as Netscape, no one wanted to use it. Netscape invented JavaScript… IE made it sloppy…

I’m not saying don’t use IE, I’m just saying this is a great alternative, and if coded correctly, will work just the same.

The people who are trying to make 1 standard are the same people who will stagnate the web as a growing medium. We would all be listening to 8-tracks under that theory…



wait a few months… you will see the “others” increase

besides, you don’t make money off of your site anyway… so you can do what you want.

Microsoft will enjoy your patronage. Go King Bill! All other wannabees will be snuffed!

Netscape was the original browser, MS just flooded the market with their product. No code needs to be purchased, WC4 made sure of that…

It’s the novice come lately “I can build you a website” designers that don’t want to learn how to code for both, so they pick the most used browser. This is just what Microsoft wants.

If George Bush said, “this is the browser to use” and picked some off the wall browser, it would prob even beat IE…

Sheep… the world is still a bunch of sheep following the leader, I swear…



just a hunch that the 10 mil people on AOL switching over to the moz engine…

then again, on your site, maybe not…

don’t have a firm grasp on your demigraphic…

one toothed housewife with 18 kids, and a beer?



Not only does IE have the power of the new JScript for it… But you are not seeing some other things that most people don’t even know about IE!

  • CSS : Come on… This has got to be the single greatest tool for webdesigning out there… Without it… Alot of the JavaScripting people would do wouldn’t be all that great.

  • DirectANIMATION : Alot of people don’t know about this but IE created a bunch of Classes for internet explorer that can make it function like an animation product… Things like the structured graphics control… Which allows you to create images witha drawing api… YEs IE has a drawing api with vector images… That can be scaled rotated zoomed in and out and everything. Sequencer control is kind of like the setInterval of Flash… it allows you to perform a certain action over courses over time. PAth control allows you to specify a path for an object to follow. Sprite control allows you to create a sprite to use for your IE board.

  • Data Binding… IE created the first knowledge of data binding through HTML… Netscape came out with a system to counter it but you needed to use Java to set it up right… Blah… XMl and everything came through with IE… And it’s now one of the biggest systems through HTML

Those are just three great things that IE has done for the Websiting community… Albeit… They aren’t used very often… But think about the actual power behind them all… technically… You could create a game out of IE HTML and DirectANIMATION code… That could rival some Flash 5 games… It’s powerful and it’s there whenever anyone wnats to use it…

(btw… if you didn’t know… I lvoe arguing for arguments sakes… Nothing personal k :wink: )


but if I write a game for Flash, but it is only available to people who download <i>your</i> player of Flash… otherwise it displays it differently…

Then, I make a deal which includes my version of the player on every new computer…

I can do stuff you can’t see… and because I have made my player “manditory”, it has become the most used…

How would you feel about that?

BTW - I don’t take anything personal… you don’t know me well enough to insult me…



As long as it supports whatever the hell I concoct half the time… Which is usually a mixture of php, html, dhtml, css and javascripting… Then it’s allright in my book… I was just giving you some extras that people don’t know about ie that can be implemented.

And… They OFFERED btw… And this is funny… To give… Not sell… give… the directAnimation control functionability to Netscape Browsers :o So… Is it IE’s fault that they declined?

Hmm (-:

hehe… :slight_smile: Yeah… Look how Flash turned out… They set up the basic mandatory neceseties for Animation Online… You could still use Java to create stuff like that… But java is getting outrun by something that gets the tag mandatory and ships with everything.