
marilyn manson creeps me out. his real names brian or something. thats funny.

i always heared that he was that kid from the wonder years=) lol:P

mmmm…wonder years. wasnt it on right after doogie howser? or right before.

I’m afraid the wonder years thing was just a rumour.
His name’s Brian Warner, I think maybe there was a guy in the Wonder Years with the same name.

im not to sure though:-\

he IS the the geek ‘paul’ from wonder years… and yes, he served as inspiration for the ‘milhouse’ from simpsons :wink:

Sorry Guig… you’re wrong. Paul was played by Josh Saviano.

that is just a rumor about Manson.

before you speak on subjects of actors I highly recomend double checking your data with a great site for all things movie and tv related.
…unless of course the person changed his name twice in his life. I find that unlikely though, and can find no evidence to support that.
For the record there is no one who ever played on the wonder years call Brian Warner.

That certainly is a rumor…

I used to listen to Manson all the time back in the day. I was never into the freak goth thing, but just really liked his music.

Portrait of an american family and anitchrist superstar are great albums.

thanks for the clarification david, i heard that rumor long ago, and i really thought this was true.

sorry guys :wink:

That’s very funny - I heard a rumour he was the kid from Mr.Belvidear (spelling)

I never belived it though - that would just be too weird :slight_smile:

I tell you - I dont really like his music but he’s one smart man…


manson is very talented. He paints as well, very nice might I add, they sell for around 50,000.00 too…wont have one for a while :frowning:

where does he “paint” on himself?:slight_smile:

heehee twiggy’s name is jordy white. j

the olny reason he scares you is b/c he’s smart. He know’s what to do to make money, he just decided to take the “shock value” way. but… then click on “art gallery” I think that people that havent seen his work will be suprised. b/c its very good. I sure was anyway

by the way. I probably sound like a BIG fan, but I’m not. I just repsect what he does.

*Originally posted by fez *
**heehee twiggy’s name is jordy white. j **

That’s is so funny! I never knew that. Now twiggy is just wierd. I havent really seen any talent out of him…but then again…I could be mistaken b/c he never is in the spotlight, so I might just have not noticed his talent…at any rate, I saw a picture of twiggy recently that was, to say the least, disturbing.

uhhh…im sorry. please accept my apology. and while youre at it, apologize to manson, then apologize to his family then his distant family, so on…all from me of course.:sigh:

haha. yea ill give you that. twiggy is amazing.

have you seen the cribs with twiggy where hes in a dress? and has three clocks telling time in tokyo kentucky and mexico. haha. and he live in ca. he has a transam too but doesnt know how to drive.
what a cahracter.

*Originally posted by fez *
**uhhh…im sorry. please accept my apology. and while youre at it, apologize to manson, then apologize to his family then his distant family, so on…all from me of course.:sigh: **

hmm…no reason to be sorry. I was just stating my opinion:pope: