Many small files or one larger file

I’m in the process of making my first full site and have after doing the tute have heavily relied on LoadMovie script to load various movies into the main clip. My question is: Is it better to have alot of small movies loading into the main or one long movie with gotoAndPlay type scripts. hope this makes sense if not check out the site to get an idea of what I’ve done.

small movies… for these reasons and more…

  1. Makes things easier on you for updating content.

  2. Makes things quicker to load for the viewer.

  3. Any unseen content won’t get loaded. Don’t waste peoples time if you don’t have to :wink:

  4. You can add preloaders to individual files.

  1. my advice: keep the files below 60k, and no preloaders are necessary. The most common thing I hear from new clients is that they hate Flash, because it forces you to wait forever it to download. Preloaders just magnify this, in a user’s mind.

Just my opinion…


wow that was fast THANKS guys your points all make sense to me but it seems that most sites I see have only a few larger files but for me its like in the olden days when you’d slice up an image so that it come in faster. COOL THANKS AGAIN

keep that attitude, it will do you well…


Wow 60k is small I’ve just realised most are 300k + . Is there a way to use AS to do an alpha tween up pause and alpha tween back instead of the usual way and will it makke it smaller?

You can fade with actionscript, using the _alpha property…

Here is a thread on that:

I know this sounds suspicious like a preloader querry but is there a way to umm pre load all your external movies instead of umm preloading them individually? My theroy here is that if you have to preload better to have one than twenty

I use places where the user is going to pause anyway.

like once the home page is loaded, I load other stuff in the bg, which I know they will prob go to. Then, when they click on the large stuff, it comes off as being much smaller.

it’s an old school trick.


Sorry think I just found it Well it gets my post count up lol

yeah - you can load stuff in the bg by maing sure frame 1 of your loaded movies contain only a stop(); action (no visible content). Have them load via loadMovie in a frame action from the parent movie to a level or target - then upon user click have button action point to respective target or level the loaded movie resides (but is invisible) like this:
on (release) {