Mask Animation

I have attached a file that I am trying to mask to get an effect like

There is a strip mask transition animation, I can’t work it out. Can someone put me out of my misery because I am tearing my hair out.

Many thanks in advance

the problem is that your mask does not cover the area on the last keyframe, rather it just animates the lines across showing only portions of the image.

So your last keyframe must cover the whole area you want to be visable.

… ok on a second look, u did do that…

hmmm give me a sec see if i can work this out

not sure why it was not working the normal way, but here is another way you can do it using AS.

Thanks I sorted it out in the end, took a while though. Thanks anyway

No worries dude,

what did you do in the end?

Someone on helped me out and we came up with this, which I think is spot on.

ok, fair enough thats looks alright. :wink: hope you dont leave it on 12fps like it is on that file, If you increase the fps the animation will be much smoother and alot nicer.

:: also is there any reason why there is a code on frame 1 of the mask animation mc that says


wouldnt that obviously play since there is no stop action on the first frame of that mc?

Well the guy who tweeked it for me put that there, I was wondering that myself


i still think this animation can be done in about two layers, just seems like that guy did a bit too much for a simple animation like that. Just use shape tweens and shape hints. but It works i guess. ahh just call me picky. lol