i have a move clip that is loaded through some action script and i would like to apply a mask to it but i cant seem to figure it out. here is my code and i have a movie clip that i need to use as a mask named “Main_Mask”. any suggestions would be great.
Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
this.dockActions = function(label) {
switch(label) {
case 'Preferences':
trace('Actions here to handle Preferences.');
case 'Blog':
trace('Actions here to handle Blog.');
case 'Forum':
trace('Actions here to handle Forum.');
trace('Default action here.');
var dockTemplate = {
layout: 0, /* top | right | bottom | left | *rotation* */
icon_size: 200,
icon_min: 100,
icon_max: 150,
icon_spacing: 0,
items: [
{ id: 'settings', label: 'Preferences'},
{ id: 'blog', label: 'Blog' },
{ id: 'forum',label: 'Forum' },
{ id: 'shop', label: 'Store' },
{ id: 'support', label: 'Tech Support' },
{ id: 'search', label: 'Search Archives' },
{ id: 'contact', label: 'Contact Us' },
{ id: 'trash', label: 'Trash' }
span: null,
amplitude: null,
callback: this.dockActions
this.attachMovie('Dock', 'menu_mc', 1, dockTemplate);
this.Dock.setMask (Main_Mask)
this.menu_mc._x = Stage.width / 2;
this.menu_mc._y = Stage.height / 2;