Masks are drving me crazy!

When I create two layers:

  • Layer 1: with a circle (graphic symbol) on it
  • Layer 2: with a square, covering a part of the circle on it
    and I make Layer 2 a mask of Layer 1, I’ll see the part of the circle covered by the square, right?

Kay, so far so good, however, when I have:

  • Layer 1: with a graphic symbol which is made out of a dynamic textbox (so I made a dynamic textbox with some text in it, and converted that to a graphic)
  • Layer 2: with a square, covering a part of the graphic (the dynamic textbox)
    and I view it, I don’t see anything! Grargh! :a: It’s like the … it just doesn’t work! Why? GOD O GOD WHY? This is driving me nuts!