Master And Commander- Don't waste your time

My AP European History teacher offered us extra credit if we went to see Master and Commander this weekend, I went, and it was far worse than it’s ratings would lead you to believe (it got 5 stars). Anyway, it hardly has a plot except for an English ship vs. a French ship. They fight 3 times, each battle lasts for 20 minutes, and then they heal their wounded and have funerals, it was kind of interesting after the first battle, but was just plain boring by the end of the movie. It kind of had the same effect as the Perfect Storm- wave after wave after wave. Apparently it was historically accurate, but I guess real history isn’t that entertaining, would have been better if they strayed from the facts a bit to make the overall plot better and make it seem more thought out.

Overall- the good special effects and historical accuracy don’t make up for the lack of a plot.

Just to give you an idea, there were people snoring during the second battle scene, 40 minutes into the movie…