

I was wondering if it is possible to use a bitmap texture in swift 3d v3 to add a decal like picture to an object.

When i’ve tried to do this I’ve been ending up with the picture patterned all over the object. I’ve even tried just adding it to a square and its still patterned and worse yet its not centered so scaling the bitmap up until only one picture is present hasn’t seemed to work.

If anyone could help me, or at least tell me its not possible so I can stop fiddling with this problem endlessly, that would be much appreciated.


hmm, i guess it isn’t possible, or at least no one knows whether it is or not. oh well, hopefully in the next version.


No I don’t think so, it wasn’t possible in Swift 3d v2. Electric Rain must have realised they were missing that feature. Are you sure it isn’t possible in v3.

I just have v2

nope, I’m not really sure if it isn’t possible, but I’m not sure if it is possible either. This post has been up for several days now so I don’t think anyone knows how to do it (whether its possible or not :slight_smile:


yes it is very possible in v3. You have to reposition your object in the extrusion editor to get it lined up. also you have to be aware of the size of the bitmap in relation to your object also be aware of the different wrapping methods planar wrap is what you should use. Post your file and I will be glad to help you. I would do one for you but I have no time. But I can help and give pointers. Also as a note if you were building a water bottle and wanted a label on it. You would build the middle portion separate apply your label then assemblet the full object. It just take a lil imagination but it very possible

thanks, with your help i think i’ve figured it out.