i need some help guys with my math project, the attached images are the project sheets,
if u can look at it and answer the quesitions, i’ll love u!
and btw, its like an interview but not one…
Ah there it is.
Why are the images sooooo big?
So you are just gonna stay home and post your homework on kF so people can do it for you?
sorry about htat i messed up somewhere
i uploaded both now!
wait how is it a math question ?
it’s more in the field of research/applied sciences… I don’t know; math and encryption, math and imagery, math & space travel, who knows ?
well its not really a question but i need the information
and yeah i know its atotally pointless project
@mtsoul-lol, no! i just need the information and i am the one writing the paper!
lol, no! i just need the information and i am the one writing the paper!
no one is willing to help guys?
I’ll give you a good tip or at least somewhere to look…try find a programmer and ask them how Math plays a pivotol part in Data Structures, running times etc.
lol, thats why i posted it on kf!
i dont know many/ any programmers
^lol… if you saw the code some gamers programmers write (like my bro), you would understand how extensive trig is used. lol… the equtions get pretty long in some parts its impossible to just look at it and go oh thats what make the bullet material fragments when it hits of the wall.
ohh wow! may be your brother could help me!
Make some stuff up lolol just kiddin
AIM: warcraftthreeft… try and see if he wants to.
@Templarian: If I was your brother, I would give you painful bag-tag. :lol:
thx but what do i say to him, like how did i get his sn?
[OT]I love wc3 :lol: Tell him we should game it up.[/OT]
^he has the SN way before the game came out hes addicted to planetside right now.
Say what ever you wish lol i dont care… hes fairly arragent so he may do it.
its due this wednesday guys! help me out!
ah sparky get on msn