
Look at this! It’s amazing, but he has wayyyyy too much time on his hands lol!! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I saw this about a week ago - it’s amazing!

I was told though, there are programs that you can use to do the work for you… it’s not all hand coded. It’s some kind of Image to ASCII app, I can’t remember the name of it.

Either way - it looks amazing!


*Originally posted by SureShot *
I was told though, there are programs that you can use to do the work for you… it’s not all hand coded.
Really? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Ilyas *
**Really? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: **

I’m not too sure if you were making fun of me or not… but after seeing that pixel art a while back, I wouldnt doubt someone would sit there and do something like this for days… :slight_smile:

Well… maybe :sure:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**I wouldnt doubt someone would sit there and do something like this for days… :slight_smile: **
I wouldn’t either. :sigh: I don’t understand why some people spend a lot of time ‘reinventing the wheel’, so to speak. What’s done is done. Spend your time creating new innovations.

its still awsome though

That is crazy stuff there my friend.

you gotta be really bored to do all that by hand…eaither that or really dedicated with a hefty check commin your way!!!

it has to be built by an application of some sort like mentioned before. The tiem to do it by hand would be unreal.

holy coowww! That’s really something!
I wonder if it can somehow be done in chatrooms… :wink:

i would just like to say matrix smells :):wink:

every1 waited for the 2nd movie to come out and it stank. and they think they are soooooo good, they cant just close a road for a day. NO not good enough for them, so they make their own highway, wats the point of that??? they coulda saved a tonne of cash$$$ ;):slight_smile:

what was missing was the surprising effect of the first. Pretty hard to re-create that. People are expecting so much more of you then…

Every one expects to **** much. Every thing seems to suck to every one now no matter how good something is ppl seem to think it sucs. Like if god him self was to come down to earth and give a speach ppl would be like " ahhh i was expecting better…this sucs". ppl need to learn to not buy into hype and not expect every movie to be the second coming of christ.

lol, if ur having a go at me, i have absolutley no comeback, BUT i always thought matrix sux, ebven the 1st 1

o, and btw sintax, ur post was good, i agree with u. nice calls ;):slight_smile:

In matrix reloaded the point of the whole film kinda gets lost! It’s just “action with special effects” now…

I know how he did it. He must had taken an open source app derived from ASCII Generator. ASCII Gen will take any image and convert it to ASCII. So what he did was take a movie and put it into there and run it.